HomeFoundationConfidence, Self-Esteem & Self-CareHow To Remove Toxic People From Your Life

How To Remove Toxic People From Your Life


We’ve all been victimized by agents of chaos at some point in our lives; with the pain of being undermined and disrespected, leaving indelible emotional scars.
Fortunately, most of us can reconcile our personal issues and have learned that dealing with people entails vulnerability, buttressed by hard-earned life experiences.
Still, the question remains, how do we effectively deal with emotional abusers?
A good starting point is to never forget that abuse is real.
There’s no escaping disturbed individuals unless you embrace solitude. Yet even this move won’t preclude emotionally carrying the brunt of someone’s madness, which means grappling with your own.
Monasteries aside, learning how to effectively neutralize psychic attacks and diffuse toxic situations is vital to your wellbeing.
You definitely should make your feelings known. But how you process stimuli is even more important.
Forget about the way things “should be.” This is emotional fool’s gold. You can’t talk people out of being themselves. Besides, the expenditure of energy is colossal, and the results (minimal and unpredictable) are not worth the effort.
If you can sort through negativity without becoming emotional, and accept responsibility when required, you will be better able to control your impulses, allowing you to respond from a place of balance and strength.
You can’t rid the world of crazy makers, but you can get them out of your life by making self-empowering choices.
Which, if you think about it, is one of the bravest things you can do.
Take care,
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