HomeMake It HappenGoal Setting & AchievementWhy You Should Write a Personal Development Plan Today

Why You Should Write a Personal Development Plan Today


Welcome to 2021! 2020 has been tough for all of us. 

I’m hopeful for a brighter, and more fulfilling 2021. With this in mind, let’s start the year off strong. 

Today, I’m touching on the importance of a personal development plan. 

When was the last time you sat down and thought about your life? Have you ever considered what things are important to you? If so, why aren’t they happening? 

The answer may be that we have a tendency to follow someone else’s plan (society’s) instead of our own. 

Personal development is an important part of success, as it improves your performance in all aspects of life including work, family and social interactions. 

Most people use a personal development plan to focus on their goals, the obstacles they face and how to overcome them. Life isn’t easy, but if we approach it with the right mindset and ideas, we can make it simpler.

 Consider these benefits of a Personal Development Plan:

  1. You’ll feel more fulfilled 

Feeling fulfilled is a feeling that many strive for. It comes with knowing you are doing what you love and spending time on things that give meaning to your life. 

While this may seem simple, even the smallest amount of effort can help increase fulfillment in your day-to-day activities. 

The first step towards increasing personal development is by setting goals for yourself so that you know where you’re going and why it’s important to achieve them. 

Once you’ve set your goals, try to schedule in blocks of time where they will be accomplished; these times could be just before bed or while taking public transportation on your way home from work.

2. You’ll have a better sense of who you are and what you want to do with your life 

Personal development plans give your everyday life more meaning by helping you make small but significant changes to it. 

By following a plan that already has a clear picture of what success looks like, there is no need for you to toy around with ideas in your head or pursue goals that are not really yours. 

It enables you to get things done effectively and efficiently while setting a positive tone on what the day will look like. 

And because of this attention to detail, personal development plans can help increase your productivity and happiness levels in life. 

  1. You’ll be able to plan for the future, which will help you make better decisions now

A personal development plan is a helpful tool to help you achieve your goals and set yourself up for success. 

This plan can provide you with the structure needed to make sure that you do not get sidetracked or lose focus on what really matters. 

You can use it as a way of keeping track of where you have been, where you are now, and where you want to go in the future. 

  1. It’s an opportunity for self-reflection and growth

As a working professional, you are constantly under the pressure to do well. 

Whether it is from your superiors or yourself, there is always some method of judging success and how well you are doing in your field. 

This can be demoralizing at times because we often feel like we are never achieving enough, even if this isn’t true. 

Therefore, one needs an outlet for self-reflection; to find out what they really want and need in order to be happy with themselves. 

A personal development plan does just that by encouraging growth through self-awareness.


The biggest mistake most people make is they rely on their motivation levels alone to get them there. While motivation helps, it’s not enough, and eventually that motivation will wane. 

That‘s why making the commitment to writing your own personal development plan today is important, as it’s your guide to help you get to where you want to be.

So, how do you start a personal development plan?

  1. Figure out what your goals are 
  2. Set a timeline for achieving those goals 
  3. Identify the steps you need to take in order to reach your goals 
  4. Create a plan of action and follow it through


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