HomeFoundationConfidence, Self-Esteem & Self-CareAre you living a quality life? How do you know?

Are you living a quality life? How do you know?


Like most people, your parents probably raised to seek security, believing “things” could save you from the vicissitudes of life.
You have decided on consequence based on the risk-averse conditioning that informs your career, family and social choices, while naively gaping media sponsored images of “happiness” and “success.”
If you’ve done some real living and analyzed your experiences, you’ll find; there’s no haven.
But many people struggle with this truth, finding it difficult to transition into adulthood.
This is unfortunate, because if you’re serious about living a quality life, you must embrace reality.
What exactly does this mean?
  • Your emotional awareness must be tangible, reflected in everyday life.
  • Give serious thought to your beliefs and how they influence your actions.
  • Question your values. Are they really yours? Or societal programming to ensure your conformity?
Leave no cognitive or psychical stone unturned. Eradicate an untenable world view and forge a new paradigm that buttresses your true identity and nourishes your spirit.
Avoid escaping self-responsibility through concepts and “isms,” or by becoming a “joiner.” These are traps for lazy people who think someone else can solve their problems.
You must believe in yourself and become your truth.
By stepping forward and taking full responsibility for every aspect of your life, you’ll feel liberated from the confusion and fear that limits most people.
Now is the time!
Live your essence and realize the inner peace you desire.
Take care,


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