
Why Do You Care?


The questions below are designed to move busybodies and gossips away from other people’s business, and put the focus where it belongs – on themselves.
Why do you care if someone:
Makes more money than you?
Is getting married or divorced?
Lost or gained weight?
Has curly or straight hair?
Is or isn’t attractive (a relative term)?
Is rich or poor?
Believes in God?
Is an atheist?
Wears clothes you like (or don’t like)?
Is black, white or other?
Doesn’t agree with you (about anything)?
Is short or tall?
Doesn’t validate your goals?
Eats food you don’t like (or like)?
Doesn’t share your beliefs?
Is or isn’t dating?
Has pets?
Went on a vacation?
Are friends with a person you despise?
Doesn’t know you exist?
These are my examples. Now create your list, and be honest! The only way you can grow is by consistently taking an inventory of yourself, making positive changes when necessary.
Forget everything else; it’s time to live your dreams!
Now that’s something to care about.
Take care,
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